Trailblazer Award Sankar Ghosh
Dreamspinner Award None
Mastercrafter Award

Arpan Sadhukhan

Puja Kar

Sagarika Pattanayak

Sovandeb Mandal

Wreek Kundu

 Sabita Jyoti

Budding Weaver Award( 15-17 yrs of age)  

Trailblazer Award

“Uncertain” by Sankar Ghosh using No Catchphrase

“Concept and execution is striking. Visuals and characters were used aptly to convey the significance of the story. Usage of folk art is nice to see.”- JURY

Mastercrafter Award Winning Entry :

“Trepidation” by Sankar Ghosh using No Catchphrase

“The fear that was whipped up in pandemic times is very well captured in this work. The satirical tone of the story is quite good.”- JURY

Mastercrafter Award

“Ekushe Ayin” by Arpan Sadhukhan using No Catchphrase

“Visualisation and characters are inventive / innovative. Good skill displayed in using colors.”- JURY

“Overthink” by Puja Kar using No Catchphrase.

“Skilful use of colors and a clear message at the end makes it nice visual treat. Concept is good.”- JURY

“Bibaho/ Marriage” by Sagarika Pattanayak using No Catchphrase.

“A nice idea and a good execution. Use of objects and shaping them into characters in the illustration is very interesting.”- JURY

“kaktarua/Scarecrow” by Sovandeb Mandal using “When reasons fail democracy prevails/ফুরাইলে যুক্তি … গণতান্ত্রিক চুক্তি।”

“Concept very well expressed. Use of the catchphrase is apt.”- JURY

“Bad Date” by Wreek Kundu using No Catchphrase.

“Funny and witty work. Comic content is good. Use of single colour is very interesting.”- JURY

“Acceptance” by  Sabita Jyoti using No Catchphrase.

“Use of a well known concept in the pandemic situation is timely. Visualisation ,characters and story telling are very imaginative.”- JURY
