Trailblazer AwardSagar Biswas
Satya Praveen Sampath
Dreamspinner AwardGourick Saha
Mastercrafter AwardAmlan Bhowmick
Aninda Biswas
Koushiki Gupta
Puja Sikder
Rajarshi Sarkar
Saurabh Maity
Srotoswini Sinha
Suman Das
Swarup Adhikary
Budding Weaver AwardNone

Trailblazer Award

‘ Misty’ by Sagar Biswas using No Catchphrase


‘Excellent composition and framing. Leading lines, Exposure and early morning mood. The mist in distance , the checkered platform along the lines converging , a figure moving towards it makes the image misty.’- JURY

Mastercrafter Award category :

‘Small World’ by Sagar Biswas using Catchphrase ‘ Life in virtual reality/‘Virtual Reality’ তে দিনযাপন’

Small World

‘ Water on a lotus leaf, in an unsteady state – and a “Life” in it. The photo speaks of a philosophy. And a comparison with the impact of a Digital life – very unique and interesting subject and concept. Would have loved to see sharper focus on the fish.’- JURY

‘Cross road’ by Satya Praveen Sampath using No Catchphrase.

Cross road

‘ Such a unique scene, brilliant shot! Great use of drones to capture a perspective that someone on the ground cannot capture. Imagining the midpoint with twin boats from ground level is graphical .’-JURY

Dreamspinner Award

An Untitled artwork by Gourick Saha using Catchphrase ‘ Affair with lies/মিথ্যার সাথে সহবাস’.


‘ Interesting idea, Very well spotted and timing. Lovely street candid moment. The brown cat jump out of its painted image ! Good catch ..’ – JURY

Mastercrafter Award

‘Innocent ‘ by Amlan Bhowmick using Catchphrase ‘Look at me……what you see?/দেখ তো চেয়ে আমারে তুমি চিনিতে পারো কি না?’


‘ Lovely Expression. Good capture of emotions in a candid moment, good use of black and white! Good Timing!.’-JURY

‘ Water Lily’ and  ‘Drummer'( ঢাকি) by Aninda Biswas using Catchphrase ‘ In a trendy world, wish I remain classic/হুজুগ স্রোতে চাই না হতে চলতি হাওয়ার পন্থী’ and No Catchphrase respectively.

‘Details’ by Koushiki Gupta using catchphrase ‘ In a trendy world, wish I remain classic/হুজুগ স্রোতে চাই না হতে চলতি হাওয়ার পন্থী’


‘ Nice architecture photography. Good capture of shadows and lighting, Geometry pleases the eye as well .’- JURY

‘Dream’ by Puja Sikder using Catchphrase ‘ Life in virtual reality/‘Virtual Reality’ তে দিনযাপন’


‘ Colourful! The budding artist !’- JURY

‘ cozy’ by Rajarshi Sarkar using Catchphrase ‘ Look at me……what you see?/দেখ তো চেয়ে আমারে তুমি চিনিতে পারো কি না?’


‘ Lovely candid moment on the street, the crows are in interesting postures. Post Processing could be better.’- JURY

‘Queenlike’ by Saurabh Maity using Catchphrase ‘Look at me……what you see?/দেখ তো চেয়ে আমারে তুমি চিনিতে পারো কি না?’- JURY


‘ Beautiful photograph with great framing, the reflection is well captured., sharp and in focus, and the colors of the lady’s clothes add a lot to the image. The Monument has its bygone charm .’-JURY

‘ Ghosts’ by Srotoswini Sinha using Catchphrase ‘ Life in virtual reality/‘Virtual Reality’ তে দিনযাপন’


‘ The photograph conveys an eerie and unsettling mood, well-captured! Interesting environment .’ JURY

‘Blue hole’ by Suman Das using Catchphrase ‘Life in virtual reality/‘Virtual Reality’ তে দিনযাপন’

Blue Hole

‘ Brilliant composition and creative execution of the idea, captures the reality of many of our lives during the pandemic. The image itself bears testimony of virtual device.’ –JURY

‘ Look at me’ by Swarup Adhikary using Catchphrase ‘ Look at me……what you see?/দেখ তো চেয়ে আমারে তুমি চিনিতে পারো কি না?’

Look at me

‘ Good use of perspective, interesting expression that makes the viewer wonder what the subject was thinking. The boy looks up hooked to the device . Curiosity.’ _JURY

