A stirring story sensitively told by Ujan Chaterjee

Title: Untitled Artist: Ujan Chaterjee Award: DreamSpinner Award Dreamspinner Award: “Untitled” The film narrates the story of a mother who has lost her little son in a road accident with subtlety and sensitivity. The concept, though not very novel, captures the familiar tragedy of life. Making of the film, with a theme somewhat melodramatic,… 

Diganta Dey takes us on a journey to his Toy World

Title: Khelna Bati Artist: Diganta Dey Award: BuddingWeaver Award Jury’s Comments: An enjoyable fairy tale animation film for the children. It is simplistic but tries to capture the big picture. The message, though not very original, is well conveyed. The story, apparently simple and innocuous, leads spontaneously to a serious lesson… 

“Tragedy” – Short Film By Tarpan Sarkar

  Title: Tragedy Artist: Tarpan Sarkar Award: BuddingWeaver Award Jury’s Comments: The film builds up on the idea of the tragic doom of writing pens. There are signs of deviant thinking and a suggestion of a subtle humorous approach in the beginning. But, at the end much of it is left to imagination… 

“Way Back Home” by Jennifer Sharmila

The film addresses stylistically the difficult theme of the complex psychological fluctuation of the mindset of a young girl who has lost her father and has been searching for him. Fairly good concept and there is some noticeable mastery in the selection of images. The use of masks is significant…. 

Splendid caricature of Big B by Ishika Chatterjee

Title: Untitled Artist: Ishika Chatterjee Award: MasterCrafter Jury’s Comments: Splendid rendering of a timeless icon. The curious indignation expressed by Big B’s hand gesture seems to imply “Are you looking at me?” Instantly recognizable both in likeness and temperament. About the Artist: Ishika is studying in class 10. Her hobby… 

Trinath Majumder’s spin on the contemporary deity

Title: Untitled Artist: Trinath Majumder Award: MasterCrafter Jury’s Comments: How will your deity arrive this year? Perhaps dressed in jeans, covered in apathy and fuelled by teen attitude? Love the modern and humorous take on a religious icon. Maybe the message is deeper than it looks – perhaps we all… 

“Rodents” by Anuj Vashisht

Title: Rodents Artist: Anuj Vashisht Award: MasterCrafter Jury’s Comments: Jarring and hypnotizing – this potent combo of prose and art captures unbridled angst and then multiplies it with the sharp uncomfortable geometry of a snake. The shape language of the snake and its portal-esque mouth are truly incredible. About the… 

Anuj Vashisht evokes childhood memories in Afsankar

Title: Afsanakar (Story teller) Artist: Anuj Vashisht Award: MasterCrafter Jury’s Comments: Highly unique character design. Evokes childhood memories of Bengali illustration fabricated into mandala-like pattern laced with symbology. A beautiful dichotomy of nostalgia and abstraction. This image captures the emotion and heritage of its culture in a few confident marks…. 

Souradeep Chakraborty crafts a geometric masterpiece

Title: Untitled Artist: Souradeep Chakraborty Award: MasterCrafter Jury’s Comments: There is something mature beyond the years in this intersecting design of the eye. The colours and geometry hearken of Kandinsky, whereas the line quality invokes a deconstructed quality of Indian handicrafts. Intriguing and refreshing. About the Artist: Souradeep Chakraborty lives in… 
