Title: Megh –A song by Anupam Aich
Artist: Pallabi Das
Award: MasterCrafter Award
Jury’s Comments:
An interesting experiment with stop motion from of movie making. This is not merely a reproduction of the song in visuals. Use of creative imageries and a thin story line gives the film the distinction of a separate art work. Repetitive shots, narrations in Bengali and blurb in English could have been avoided. Use of more innovative ideas could have made it more captivating.
About the Artist:
Pallobi has completed Post graduation in History. The short film “Megh” is a stop motion movie with a Bengali song by her friend Anupam Aich in the background for the entire length of the film. Her other areas of interests are drawing, painting, singing, making crochet dolls (Amigurumi). She has a YouTube art and craft channel called “cutesugarcube27”. Recently she participated in “The National Workshop on Paper Pulp Sculpture” organized by “The BSES Vision Tomorrow”. She wants to make more Stop Motion Animation Movies.