“Holi of vote” by Sanhati Saha
“A tell-tale idea excellently executed. Excellent use of colours, but more subtelity and refinement in application of colour spray could have made the composition more expressive. Expecting more such work of her own original ideas in the future.”-JURY
“The Sabarimala Incident” by Sanhati Saha
(Dreamspinner Award Category)
” Conceptualisation of a currently-relevant topic that captures deep-rooted social stigma. Excellently excuted, but for the otherwise-nice composition with windows at the top that look heavy and interfere with the foreground figures. A font more suitable to cartoons could have enhanced it further.”-JURY
“Bengal”s Rasgulla” by Sanhati Saha
(Mastercrafter award Category)
” It’s a good cartoon. A little more thought on selection of idea and its meaningfulness could have helped much. Use of conventional colouring methods is praise worthy.”-JURY
“The tiny happy Hooligan” by Ashin Thomas
“Interesting! Well-composed! Non-linear flow is refreshing, simple, subtle and sweet. Both the drawing and idea are good. But the graphic narrative does have a problem. The lettering part could have fared better with calligraphy.Craftsmanship is appreciable.”-JURY
“Last day” by Shishir Marathey
” Though very simple but good job, good thinking. Hits with the least! Simplicity of the Idea and expression is the strength of this work though none of them striking in itself.”-JURY
“Comic somersault” by Shishir Marathey
(Dreamspinner Award Category)
“Idea is very good and interesting too. Somehow. application of colour seems unnecessary here. And the drawing needs improvement. A suggestion here, please use free hand sketches. if possible. This kind of funnies bears resemblence of NewYorker’s cartoon.”-JURY
“Comic ladder” by Shishir Marathey
(Mastercrafter Award Category)
” Very good concept. Overall does not make the promised punch. Perhapes use of black and white or bicolour instead of the colouring used would have delivered much more. The work is interesting though.”-JURY
“Pigeons on Wires” by Jithin Kairamkonda
“Funny idea, funny drawing. Good job. Idea and execution both are interesting .Well done ! There is some scope to improve upon picturing the phone.”-JURY
“Jobs” by Jithin Kairamkonda
(Mastercrafter Award category)
“Caricature – The maestro” and “Pole vault” and “Poll Vault” by Syamantak Chattopadyay
“This work of skilled hands is really appreciated. Promises much improved art work in future.”-JURY
” Line quality, character and sense of drawing a comic strip is mature. Graphic quality is good ! The idea is interesting but not as impressive. The lettering part needs improvement.”-JURY
“My guru my hero” by Sandipan Karmakar
“Idea is appreciated but execution skills need more explorations. Scope of further improvement is there.”-JURY
“Caricatures” by Sanjay Kamilya
“Skilled hands and interersting work! But the portrayal of the person and characterisation could have been handled with more thoroughness.”-JURY
” Interesting! Well-composed! Craftsmanship is appreciable. Idea lacks cartoonists’ subtelity.”-JURY
“Pressure” by Biswajit Khan
“Skilled hands. Colour application is good. Drawing part leaves room for much improvement.”-JURY
“Untitled” by Koel Ganguly
“Good attempt. Idea and drawing leaves room for much improvement.”-JURY