MASTERCRAFTER | Aamna Zabeen Abhinaba Nag Gayatri Halder Himon Das Mohamed Naashif Abdul Azeez Nandita Basak Pankaj Malasi Rabindranath Jana Rafia Mahjabeen Sayandip Samanta Souvik Biswas Subarna Adhikary Sumanta Das Susovon Ghosh Vasundhara Srinivas |
“The Call For Hands” by Amna Zabeen
“ Great idea.Conveys a deep sense of absence. Intelligent use of medium.”-JURY

“The dreamy boy “ by Abhinaba Nag

“Excellent painting skill that has elevated a lively portrait almost into a reflective piece.”-JURY
“Impression” by Gayatri Halder

“The footprints and their patterns reflect mastery in the beautiful and sensiive needlework. “-JURY
” Sound of silence” by Himon Das

“An almost poetic depiction that reminds one of Turner.“-JURY
“The diversity of human beings” by Mohamed Nasheef Abdul Azeez

“Very strong imagination. Good technique. Unique visual style.”-JURY
“Hanging clothes”, “Stubborn” and “Conjunction” by Nandita Basak
Stubborn Hanging clothes Conjunction
“Reflects a lot of skill and a good message.”- JURY for Hanging clothes
“Beautiful choice of subject and technique, and a fluid use of colour superbly conveys motion and a playful mood.”-JURY for Stubborn
“Brilliant execution of the idea contained in the subject.”-JURY for Conjunction
“Sound of silence” by Pankaj Malasi

“Minimalist and intricate, reminiscent of Patna Kalam School of Painting.”-JURY
“Solicited” by Rabindranath Jana

“Beautiful use of form and medium depicts a spiritual world beyond external superficial realism.”– JURY
“Sound of silence” by Rafia Mahjabeen

“Beautiful execution imbibing cubist style and Tagorean influence.”– JURY
“Poverty” by Sayandip Samanta

“Sound technique. Good understanding of the medium.”-JURY
” Creation” and “Untitled” by Souvik Biswas
Untitled Creation
“Commendable use of colours.”-JURY for Creation
“Very distinctive style.”-JURY for Untitled
“Evolution of life”, ” Winter of Life” and “Misuse of power” by Subarna Adhikary
Evolution of life Winter of life Misuse of power
“Very interesting symbolism conveys the idea skillfully with surrealistic influence.”-JURY for Evolution of life
“Very interesting perspective and fascinating idea excel over a rather indistinctly communicated message.”– JURY for Winter of life
“Bold and honest content presented with great skill though the message is not so clear.”-JURY for Misuse of power
“Portrait of my mother” by Sumanta Das

“Brilliant execution defying stereotype definitions”-JURY
“On the way” by Susovon Ghosh

“Extremely well depicted landscape.”– JURY
“Every step matters” by Vasundhara Srinivas

“Beautiful melange of the commonplace and the celestial”– JURY
“I just fell my own sound of silence.” by Rajdeep De

“We at CMF warmly appreciate your interest in our Art Programs. The Jury members also appreciated the merit of your artwork.
But, as the stipulated rules of participation clearly precludes sending any entry done before one year, we sincerely regret that the same is deemed ineligible for consideration of award even if merited.
Please, read the rules/guidelines of participation more attentively before sending any entry, and strictly abide by the same.”