Trailblazer AwardSk Anzar Hasnain
Dreamspinner AwardNone
Mastercrafter AwardAnushka Biswas
Arpan Bhattacharyya
Binoy Jana
Debaritra Kundu
Pritam Sarkar
Rajarshi Sarkar (not awarded as awarded thrice before)
Sagar Biswas (not awarded as awarded thrice before)
Sahil Banerjee
Sangita Sadhukhan
Budding Weaver Award (only for 15-17 yrs. of age and Newcomers) None

Trailblazer Award

“Gaze” by Sk Anzar Hasnain using Catchphrase “My head is a very dark place/”



“This is a real winner. What a wonderful portrait study this is. Very unique photograph and excellent use of black and white. The intensity in the subject’s face is captured well. The cropped out part of the face is suggestive of ‘the very dark place’ and is hidden away from the viewer. The intent gaze is telling us that all is not well with him. The post processing is excellent. In all, a trailblazer. Well done!”JURY

Mastercrafter Award

“Into wood” and “The river” by Anushka Biswas using Catchphrases “Nameless identity/” and “Change is as good as rest/” respectively.


Into wood

“Good interpretation of the catchphrase. Lost in the middle of gigantic back lighted trees makes one at one with nature, forgetting one’s identity. This is precisely what this photograph is depicting. The bright highlights are distracting and take away attention from the subject. I would suggest reducing the exposure a little, or try post processing to reduce the highlights.”JURY

The river

“This serene landscape makes the viewers yarn to travel to such a place in search of peace. The calming effects of the muted colours help to justify the serenity. Nice framing, and excellent job conveying the mood through editing. I really like the clouds in the background and the color balance. It elevates what would otherwise be a normal photograph.”JURY

“Oxymoron!” by Arpan Bhattacharyya using No Catchphrase.



“This is truly stunning, and sharp and very unique capture, good focus on eye. Beautifully captured photograph of a bird with prey. My suggestion would be to tone down the branches so that the highlighted branches do not distract the viewers from the main subject. Please continue pursuing nature photography! I am not sure if this can be called Oxymoron.”JURY

“sculpture” by Binoy Jana using Catchphrase “Nameless identity/”.



“Very dramatic capture, a good attempt to interpret the catchphrase. While taking the photograph the photographer should have tilted the camera a bit more upward so as to minimize the dark negative lower portion and to include more drama in the sky. but it looks like the sky was replaced digitally.”-JURY.

“Bedtime” by Debaritra Kundu using Catchphrase “Nonchalant slumber/”.



“The photo does seem very peaceful, nice framing! This is not a mere shot of a person in sleep, the photographer tries to describe the catchphrase in visual terms and succeeds. He has taken care to include the environment inside the house and outside too, to establish the slumber is really nonchalant.”JURY

“silhouette” by Pritam Sarkar using Catchphrase “Nameless identity/”.



“Very unique idea, the photographer has brilliantly interpreted the catchphrase through this interesting visual. The interplay of light and shadow is very good. The attempt to juxtapose the balloon with the person’s face is commendable but a little short of being perfect- I would like the entire head of the person holding the balloon be eclipsed by the smiley. Anyway, kudos to the photographer for creating something out of nothing. Explore this idea more, it has potential!JURY.

“Lone man” by Sahil Banerjee using Catchphrase ” Nameless identity/”.


Lone man

“Nice minimalist photograph, good use of black and white to enhance the mood. A person of nameless identity covered top to bottom in clothes, lost in the wilderness-what the frame depicts is very beautifully captured. The foggy weather adds to the mystery. The camera in his hand somewhat spoils the mood of the visual, because it is giving him an identity as a photographer.”JURY


“Childhood” by Sangita Sadhukhan using Catchphrase “No planet B for us/”.



“Beautiful fame, vibrant colors and a kid with dreams. The background makes this photograph special, not distracting but with good color contrast to the child. I would suggest different perspectives like taking a photo from the child’s level.”JURY.

Awardable entries of participants awarded twice or more before.

“Face off” by Rajarshi Sarkar using No Catchphrase.

Face off

“The subject is nicely portraited and the frame is just perfect. Very beautiful capture. Nice job getting the water droplets and the insects in focus, but they are not very sharp. But nature photography needs to be sharp, because it is more of a scientific document rather than a pictorial representation. There is lack of focus on the subject and iso is higher than recommended. I would also suggest a slight amount of noise reduction in the background to improve the image.”JURY

“Traveller” by Sagar Biswas using Catchphrase “Change is as good as rest/”.


“It’s a nice shot. I love the overall feel of the picture. This photograph very aptly interprets the theme. Every viewer will try to put themselves in the shoes of the man in the photograph and be a part of the beautiful landscape. However the details of the dilapidated bridge should have been brought out as this is also an important element in the photograph like the water, stone, fog and the trees.”JURY
