TRAILBLAZER | Suvajit Chanda
Somraj Sahu Nayan Kumar Sil Salokya Adhikary |
DREAMSPINNER | Kaushik Dutta
Shakyasom Majumder Somraj Sahu |
MASTERCRAFTER | Ujan Chatterjee
Abhik Sengupta Seemonta Halder Tanmoy Mistry Sagar Biswas Aninda Biswas Kaushik Dutta Arnab Chattopadhyay Sahil Banerjee Radhika Sivsankar Nandita Basak Suvajit Chanda Somraj Sahu Soumya Warrier Rainak Dutta Salokya Adhikary
BUDDINGWEAVERS | Sagar Biswas Shreoshi Neogi |
Trailblazer Award
The-boy by Suvajit Chanda
An evocative portrait. A good study and presentation. The large eyes in innocent face leaning on a tree and the sharp clear fingers confront us with no statement or expectation. Innocent engagement makes the child a great study in human form. Well executed image- balanced in tone and form, gently emphatic in details. Light falling from one side on the face and the shade in the other part of the frame present an interesting contrast.-Jury

(Mastercrafter Award category)
Old beggar and Shopkeeper by Suvajit Chanda
A well presented frame of a common scene in our country that is encountered by street photographers. Subject is good, needs more space. Use of wide angle and photoshop has over dramatized the image. Perhaps the image was cropped to give prominence to the human figure.- Jury

Everything is in place here. We see such scenes everyday but do not notice it or “look” at the extra-ordinariness of the ordinary life. The photographer looked at it, organised it in his mind and had all the time to press his shutter. Imaginatively composed, frames within the frame. Divides the image in two clean parts with enough details to go by in each part.The many details do not overwhelm but creates a harmony. A good study of daily life-Jury

Mass-Marriage by Somraj Sahu
Placing an object or a human figure at the edge of the frame in the foreground helps in adding layers to the image. This technique is used here effectively to show the activities at several levels of the depth of field. The main event of taking a selfie by the newly weds is in sharp focus and dominates the image. At the next levels, we have rows of expectant brides and grooms . A fine composition, balanced with some humour and fun. Captures an event of great social relevance with empathy and imagination. Require good composition-Jury

( Dreamspinner and Mastercrafter award Category)
Playful kids and Color-of-faith by Somraj Sahu
Monochrome adds depth to emotions of joy and frolic by the kids.The top down shot shows the sense of freedom under the sky. Texture of the water is a mystery- it looks a matty plain. A compassionate and creative image.-Jury

The portrait is straight and uncomplicated reflection of a local /vernacular practice. The colorful face hides all emotion. Could have been better with little improvisation- Jury

Travel by Nayan Kumar Sil
A very good snap shot. Beautiful and interesting composition. We would like to see more of such creations.-Jury

After bath and Juhi-1 by Salokya Adhikary
An imaginative composition through foregrounding of the animals and use of wide angle. The image is a witty commentary on the unique simplicity of life away from the urbanity. Colour and texture of water has added authenticity to the narration of man – animal relationship. Requires space on the right side.-Jury

The image is a combination of fashion and portrature. Tone of colour of the skin is captured very well by the diffused light to add seductive charm.-Jury

(Mastercrafter Award category)
Sibling by Salokya Adhikary
Warmth of a human story covers up the weaknesses in this image.The close bond between the children brighten up a holy day (perhaps Eid) . Overall a good composition though the children could be placed a little more on the left to make room in the direction of their gaze- Jury

Lost Soul by Kaushik Dutta
Image of a child placed against the backpround of a graffiti depicting marching children transports us to a make believe world where the real and the painted worlds become one. The details in the face, eye and the fingers on one eye of the child gives life to the image. A good, convincing composition.-Jury

(Mastercrafter Award Category)
Charak by Kaushik Dutta
The intensity and the sacrifices that sustain the spectacle associated with the Charak puja depicted in minute detail. The cross bearing man, his exhausted face, muscles, veins and ribs and also the garland supports the backdrop. Curiously, image of a young man in the left balances the figure with the cross. Presentation is good but little noisy perhaps.-Jury

A night at Dudhpathri-Kashmir, Hoopoe-fanning-its-magnificent-crest and Lesser-Whistling-Teals by Shakyasom Majumder
The serenity of the mountain scape with rain drops from a blue sky makes it an intriguing nature photography at night. Well considered take-Jury

Great details support the tender feathers and bright colours of this beautiful creature. Well crafted close up. Requires more space-Jury

A beautiful photograph with nice composition. The image shows good reflex and timing that are essential for shooting flying birds.Technically could have been better by including sharper details of water and the birds. However, in its present form, it is an intresting wild life scene.-Jury

Ayoddha Hill, Purulia and Gaajon festival by Ujan Chatterjee
The shaded part divides the image with dramatic effect. The contrast enhances an unusual scenic view. Curved road is good but with proper lighting, could have been more attractive.-Jury

Good in silhouette photography. If the silhouetted figures were positioned a little higher in the frame without a foreground, space for the empty sky would have been shorter and better to watch at. The story would have unfolded without getting diluted.-Jury

Untitled by Abhik Sengupta
A competent portrayal of the innocence associated with small children. They look straight in to our eyes. The image of the elder boy clutching the child with slim fingers of his hand speaks of his protective affection. Exposure and depth of field are appropriate. Perhaps a little more clarity in forms is welcome.-Jury

CAUTION : MEN AT WORK by Seemonta Halder
A good composition depicting workers engaged in a dangerous profession. A little bit of detail about the worker and hazards he is exposed to would have made the work more interesting-Jury

VICTORIA MEMORIAL – 1 by Tanmoy Mistry
An interesting presentation. The surrealistic view of the floating pebbles heighten a sense of doom and mystery to the famous Kolkata landmark.- Jury

COMBAT OF EGRETS by Sagar Biswas
Nice form. Requires development of visual communication skills. Need to be vigilant about overexposure (background ) and details which are not sharp. This affects the drama.- Jury

THE DRAGONFLY by Sagar Biswas
(Budding Weaver Category)
Subject selection and presentation good. Little more improvisations would add value to the work.- Jury

colour of freedom by Aninda Biswas
A signature shot for details,tones, color and technical ability to use a medium telephoto lens for a close up and empathy for wild life.Good composition- Jury

Best Shelter For A Baby , The Cranes and The common Red-vented Bulbul by Arnab Chattopadhyay
Nice composition of mother and child. Could have been more interesting with some technical improvisations.-Jury

Good composition. Possibility of further improvement exists with better technical work of snap shot nature.- Jury

Good observation. Well planned shot – use of bouquet heightens the drama. Bulbul in nice mood and form. Right side space needs to be cropped- Jury

The royal Bengal Tiger,king of kings by Sahil Banerjee
A good shot. But what we need is not a stock shot of the tiger but something which captures its majestic and imposing image. Also we can do with a little more space in the foreground.-Jury

Solitude by Radhika Sivsankar
The image uses water surface imaginatively. The triangle formed with the swan at the top of the triangle presents an ambiguous position that is artistically appealing. One would wish more clarity in the image, subject and form and the message it intends to deliver.- Jury

Untitled by Nandita Basak
The photograph recalls neo-realist images of the Americas of 1930s by Paul Strand.The fine details in the pile of the old cycles and the tyres, the empty address plates on the wall, uncertain look of the owner(?), the dark inside of the store, ( could have more clarity to show the artifacts stored in its racks), make it a subtle study of a difficult time. A little more foreground would have added to the contextuality. And a little more clarity in objective too. Overall a good human story and technically well made .It should have been shown in monochrome to make more impact.- Jury

Friends and Anderson : Pun intended by Soumya Warrier
The humor is overshadowed by the surprise in the way the dresses are arranged. Good idea but remains some what unclear due to inadequate light on the main subjects. A more cautious approach towards lack of space and tonal differences would make the artwork lot better- Jury
Home is where the anchor drops by Rainak Dutta
A potentially beautiful composition of the waterfront in a port. The texture of water and the placing of the boat in the middle of the frame between two large luxury liners strikes a balance between all the elements in the image. The clouds are dominating and too white in the context of the dark sky that somewhat weakness this image. Excessive use of photoshopping leading to a chaotic composition may best be avoided-Jury

Untitled by Shreoshi Neogi
The image of a commonly observed event. The photograph traces details of the subject. To make it more lively and vibrant, needs to be infused with a life of its own. The diagonal position of the hands and chillum is interesting but the subject and expressions calls for more clarity. –Jury
