Title: Untitled
Artist: Ujan Chaterjee
Award: DreamSpinner Award
Dreamspinner Award: “Untitled”
The film narrates the story of a mother who has lost her little son in a road accident with subtlety and sensitivity. The concept, though not very novel, captures the familiar tragedy of life. Making of the film, with a theme somewhat melodramatic, is indeed exceptional. Use of cinematic imageries, camera angels, focusing and editing too is of a near-perfection quality. Use of light music is fairly professional. Superb acting of an accomplished actress in the mother’s role has lent credibility to the filmmaker’s imaginings.
The animated affection for the child is depicted beautifully. This mood of joviality and the following tragedy has been mingled so well that the intensity of the tragedy has been heightened without making it melodramatic. The changeover of moods and flavour is smooth and effective. The treatment is very cinematic right from the opening scene with excellent cinematography, editing, and to a good extent, the sound. The visuals are rich and impressive without being distractive; this has been ensured by an intermittent use of black-and-white shots with the shots/ sequences in colour. The attention to details and a fairly good sense of proportion has lent the film an excellent rhythm. The film leaves a trail of subdued pain even in the mind of the critical and discerning viewer.
We would love to see the filmmaker, with his captivating style, give free leash to the daring imaginings of his sensitive mind.
About the Artist:
Ujan has bagged Dreamspinner Award of ChotaMota Art Program March 2016 for his entry ‘Untitled’. Ujan is a 16 years old short film maker from Nadia District.
He has been working actively in a local theater group since his childhood. He has acted in different productions, directed children’s theatre and composed music for various productions. He has also acted in Bengali films – Box No. 1313, and Aadhunik. While his experience got enriched and expertise improved with participation in various productions in different roles, he kept receiving several awards for his works as an actor and music director in several drama competitions. He was facilitated as a child actor by Nehru Children’s Museum.
He is, as he says, keenly interested in making short films. He has already made several short films – Brishti, Rivolver, Mon Kotha, Sharanang, Nouka, Sada Kalo Lal, Jonmodin, Untitled, and Spark. Short film Sada Kalo Lal was shown at Chhotto Chhobir Sanddhane, a TV Show by Kolkata TV. His short films Nouka and Jonmodin shown at Kolkata International Children Film Festival 2014 and 2015 at Nandan.