Title: Rodents
Artist: Anuj Vashisht
Award: MasterCrafter
Jury’s Comments:
Jarring and hypnotizing – this potent combo of prose and art captures unbridled angst and then multiplies it with the sharp uncomfortable geometry of a snake. The shape language of the snake and its portal-esque mouth are truly incredible.
About the Artist:
Anuj Vashisht has done BFA in Animation from a renowned institution of Delhi. He has been working with various theatre groups in Delhi as an actor, designer and animator for the past three years. He has had the opportunity of working with eminent Directors like Suman Kumar, K.S Rajendran, Dinesh Khanna, Abhilash Pillai, Sudhanva Deshpande and Maloyshree Hashmi.
Anuj has bagged the MasterCrafter Award for two of his Art Pieces – Story Teller and Rodents. He prefers to call them “Visual poem because the words mixed with the image forms the Khichdi”.