Title: Untitled
Artist: Sashank Macharla
Award: MasterCrafter
Jury’s Comments:
An excellent instantaneous shot, with a powerful message. The blurb “great taste delivered at door” is displayed in front of a door-less shelter of a family of pavement dwellers. Indeed, a tell-tale exposure of imperfections of our civilisation. We expect the artist, with his acute sense of contrast and further refining of his framing and exposure skills, will capture many such insightful moments in excellent snapshots.
About the Artist:
Sashank considers himself as an artist who is currently studying Architecture in Delhi. About photography, he says “I believe photography is a way to see and capture the beauty and poetry that is all around us, in every single fleeting moment, the entries are based on that belief – small things filled with meaning.” His primary interests lie in writing, painting, photography and cosmology – and how art can function as a complete narrative of the world as we exist in it and as we see it. Experimenting with various media to produce works of art that are a medium for the world to be alive and express itself through, turning the artist into a medium, rather than a creator are the outline of his work. Presently he is working on a few conceptual art projects which include connections between people, emotions and the space expressed through photography, and another fusion project between writing and painting. He aspires to be a full-time artist and explorer of the world, art, and what it means to be able to create.